Our AMAZING honeymoon.
We went to Cancan Mexico, but the night of the wedding we went to
the Capital Hotel in downtown Little Rock.
We had a wonderful dinner at Ashley's at the Capital.
We had chocolates and delicious fresh fruit
we were so tired and it was rainy and gross when we got there but as we got out of the car at the resort we knew it was going to be amazing. They ran up to the car and gave us coolwashcloths that smelled like cucumber melon.
They took all of our bags and when we walked into the lobby and were waiting for someone to take us to our room they offered is "Coco de leche" pure BLISS! This was the first time we had ever had it but DEFINITELY not the last! The whole resort smelled so fresh!
Anytime we said "thank you" they responded "It's my pleasure"
This wasn't like any other all inclusive I had ever heard about before.
The service was amazing, it was beyond clean and relaxing, and awesome restaurants!
It was amazing just walking in!
The mirror to the left inside the door.

We loved the Bvlgari bath products!
We have a few small bottles and love using them every once in while...scent memories

This view was one of the many things that sold us on this place!

The room was huge!

We even had 2 balconies!
Checking out the view from the side balcony...it was rainy our first day but we were so tired we just stayed inside and ordered room service
After the rain....beautiful!

One of the many infinity pools. We spent a lot of time here!
We took full advantage of the swim up bar!

Ready to hit the pool!

This is the life! Notice the lady in the back...they would bring you ANYTHING you needed.
Inside that little station they even had a small library of books....non of which I read!
Part of the lobby at night
Every night when we would come back from dinner they had closed the curtains, turned back the bed, and put "calming" music on the tv haha
And always left little surprises

Each floor has a butler that is at your every beckon call
Joel....one of our favorite butlers

Another pool (laguna side) and life size checkers
Entrance into the spa....one of our favorite things was the hydro therapy.
this was actually the last part of the hydrotherapy.
1st you went into a steam room or sauna.
2nd you set on the stone seat and put your feet in a bubbling water bath (picture at the bottom)
3rd you got into the jacuzzi which is the closest in the picture
then last was the lit pool in the back.
The left side was cool water and the right side was warm water
The day we got our couples message (after I finished hydro therapy) I waited in this room
for Nathan to finish his hydro therapy (guys and girls have separate sides).
The robe was oh so comfortable and I sipped on yummy hot tea!
**Note - that is not Nathan and I in the below picture. :)
This is buy far the most relaxing place I have EVER been.